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Tourism Works

About the Tourism Works Program

The Tourism Works program is vital to the Guam Visitors Bureau's local community branding program. The objective of the program is to inform, build, and involve our diverse local community about how tourism works for us all and how we have a responsibility to contribute to making Guam a better place to live, work, and visit.

The Tourism Works campaign continues to play a key role in educating our local community on the importance of tourism and how it affects their everyday lives. Formalized in 2017, the Guam Visitors Bureau continued the extensive marketing campaign ranging from a weekly newspaper column, weekly tourism profile television feature, television and radio commercials and further expanding the community outreach program “tourism talk tour” in classrooms and among youth organization events.

Tourism Works Weekly Column

The Tourism Works Weekly Column is a column in partnership with the Pacific Daily News. Guam Visitors Bureau President and CEO, Carl T.C. Gutierrez, speaks on various topics relating to Guam's tourism industry. The column is posted every Tuesday in the Pacific Daily News and is shared throughout GVB social media channels.

Click here for the latest Tourism Works Weekly Column!

Tourism Works Weekly Profile Feature

The Tourism Works Weekly Profile is a television feature which airs every week. In partnership with KUAM News, a local business owner, organization, or person who has benefited from work/projects in the tourism and hospitality industry shares their experience in their own words. These profile features give the opportunity to our island community to learn about each feature's important role in the tourism industry. Features are broadcasted throughout KUAM News and GVB media channels.


Want to Schedule a Tourism Talk Tour?

The Tourism Works Talk Tour presentations are hosted by a representative(s) from the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) and/or frontline workers in the industry. Participants will get first-hand knowledge from both GVB representatives and frontline workings about their important roles in the tourism industry. Participants will also learn how tourism directly and indirectly benefits the island and our local community in ways that they may not be aware of; such as learning about agencies, cultural groups, and organizations supported by tourism.

Guam Visitors Bureau YouTube Playlist
  • Introduction
  • Brief history of tourism
  • How Tourism Works for Guam
  • What is my role in Tourism?
    • Cultural Events / Programs, organization support, etc
    • Environment
    • Safety
    • Improvement Projects
  • How to learn more

View our latest Tourism Works presentation!

It's easy and free to sign up! A Tourism Works program representative will contact you with details on participating in our talk tour.

Tourism Works Talk Tour Sign Up Contact: [email protected]

Tourism Works Tool Kit

Download Tourist in My Village

Download Crossword Puzzle

Tourism Talk Tour Photo Gallery 2019


September 2019 | J.F.K. High School: Lodging Management Program

February 2019 | Jose L.G. Rios Middle School

March 2019 | Simon Sanchez High School

March 2019 | Astumbo Middle School

March 2019 | Mañe'lu: Pagachao Community Site

T.E.C. WAVE Club Tourism Works Poster Contest 2019


Speaker Tina Muna Barnes of the 35th Legislature and the Tourism Education Council Board Chair Donna Muna Quinata pose with Tourism Works poster contest winners, Jessel Marie E. Pantaleon and Hermione Princess Tolosa Martinez, at the Tourism Proclamation Ceremony on May 2.

1st Place: Elementary School Division
Phaedra Francine Taijeron
Daniel L. Perez Elementary School
5th Grade

2nd Place: Elementary Division
Kyle Aquiningoc
B.P. Carbullido Elementary School
5th Grade

3rd Place: Elementary Division
Leona Cepeda
Juan Mendiola Elementary School
4th Grade

1st Place: Middle School Division
Hermione Princess Tolosa Martinez
F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
8th Grade

2nd Place: Middle School Division
Jessel Marie E. Pantaleon
F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School
8th Grade

3rd Place: Middle School Division
Donita Manacmul
Astumbo Middle School
7th Grade

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